Monday, August 16, 2010


The sixth chook has started laying (the brown mini-egg). They're the sweetest little things. In a few weeks they'll be up to size. It takes a bit of getting used to - laying an egg each morning. If the girls are out wandering first thing, she sometimes leaves it 'til the last minute and has to make an urgent dash across the garden back to the chook house. I imagine all the cackling is chook-speak for "Quick, an egg is coming!" Nice one chooky.


  1. Had no idea that they lay little egglets to the idea of the chooks cackling at each other - hilarious!

  2. Their cackling conversations crack me up. x

  3. What a lovely update to your blog. Gorgeous photos of a winter morning.

  4. Thanks for commenting C. Waiting for a pause to look at your blog. Will do this over the weekend - heading back to Pine Hill before my last week with VL! Looking forward to Thursday. x
