Sunday, September 25, 2011


Eff. We're approaching four months with Matilda and I'm only just getting another pic up on here. I'll get there eventually. I am obsessed with my child. I still can not stop looking at her... It could be worse. My garden (which I also look at all the time but weep) is hanging in there despite its current neglect. I thought I'd break the baby trend and include a picture of the garden in winter - the hellebores are flowering like no ones business under the Manchurian Pear tree and have created a little pocket of heaven amongst the rambling mess.
I bought the hellebores from a gorgeously presented company called The Post Office Farm Nursery, and they arrived in a box in the mail looking lovely and healthy.

Right now, the roses are absolutely covered in little buds of promise, and among them are self-sown sweet peas and delphiniums. The may bushes are out in full bloom looking so lovely with their crisp white flowers against the young green growth of the garden in spring. There are still many holes to fill, but for now there are little moments of wonderfulness to keep me happy. One day they'll all come together and make a collective picture of a garden. Here's hoping.

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