Monday, April 19, 2010

In my last entry, I really ignored the time that had lapsed between posts - my apologies. I have been MIA in the garden. I did however, manage to come inside for Easter and make my first ever hot cross buns! They were best straight out of the oven, above, with a good spreading of Lurpak butter.
The days are so beautiful at the moment, I have been more outside than in. From morning to evening, I've been working on a new garden bed running down the driveway, and making some breathing space for plants strangling each other in the eastern garden bed. The eastern bed is what I first worked on when I moved to Pine Hill, and is what I look out to from my desk here in the cottage. It is so pleasing to discover all the baby plants that are sprouting from seed - all to be transplanted in the coming days to the new bed...Enough typing. I can see the Lambs Ears I have lifted out of the ground beginning to wilt...

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